Tennis Child's Growth and Development Issues


Young tennis players generally reach certain level in tennis at roughly the same time. But every child grows and develops differently, doing things at their own pace. Understanding this gives you the chance to help your child develop new skills and reach their full potential. Your tennis child is learning a lot of new skills, but he will not always grow and develop at the same rate as other children. He may be faster or slower than other children his age.

To understand better why this is happening and deal successfully with any growth and development issues, we need to look to how the Sport Pedagogy defines the age of the young athlete.

When working with parents and novice coaches I noticed that most of the times they evaluate the athlete’s development and performance, base on the date and year of birth!! Yes, this is the official age of your child, the chronological age. But, what about his physical age, is he big, average or small compering to other kids in his age?

To make things more complicated we have to take seriously under consideration the kids level of maturity, (mentioned as a “mental age” by many child psychologists). Last but not least is the length of their tennis life or their tennis age. It is crucial to know for how long has the child been playing tennis.

So, remember all of the above mentioned when you compare your kid with another child!! If you are involve in coaching of young tennis players build your training plans base on their physical and mental abilities!!


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